EXOS 2.1 Video Driver Specification

6. Character Input

6.1 Simple Character Input

When a character is read from the video driver the result depends on the mode. In text modes the ASCII code of the character at the cursor position will be returned, without moving the cursor. In graphics mode the palette colour of the pixel at the current beam position will be returned. This will be 0 or 1 in two colour mode, 0..3 in four colour mode, 1..15 in sixteen colour or attribute modes and 0..255 in 256 colour mode.

6.2 Reading Cursor Position

The escape sequence - esc ? - is supported in text and attribute graphics modes. It triggers the video channel to return the current cursor co­ordinates as the next two characters read from this channel. The co­ordinates will be returned in the same way as they are specified for cursor positioning, ie. with a 20h offset added on.

6.3 Reading Beam Position

This is supported by graphics pages only (pixel and attribute modes). The escape sequence - esc @ - will trigger the channel to return the current graphics beam position as the next four bytes read from the video page. The co­ordinates are returned in the same format as they would be specified for an absolute beam position.

Next Chapter: Miscellaneous.

David Bouman. (dsbouma@cs.vu.nl)