EXOS 2.1 Sound Driver Specification

6. Other Control Functions

There are various other functions which the sound device provides which are listed here.

    ^Z       Flush all sound queues
    esc Z n  Flush an individual sound queue

             n = 0, 1 or 2 for a tone channel,
                 3 for the noise channel

    ^X       Flush all of envelope storage
    ^G       Triggers a PING on tone channel 2.
             Does nothing if tone channel 2 is already in use.

6.1 Internal Speaker Control

The sound produced by the sound driver, and anything else using the DAVE chip, can normally be heard through the built in speaker. This speaker can be disabled by setting the EXOS variable MUTE_SND to a non­zero value. This only affects the internal speaker, it does not prevent the sound from coming through headphones or anything connected to the monitor socket.

Next Chapter: Interaction with Other Devices.

David Bouman. (dsbouma@cs.vu.nl)