EXOS 2.1 Cassette Driver Specification

1. Introduction

The cassette driver allows storage of data files on cassette tape. Two cassette recorders can be handled, with separate remote control of the motors on each, allowing reading from one and writing to the other. The files stored can contain any data, not just ASCII.

The files are stored on tape in chunks with each chunk being up to 4K bytes. Data is always written to or read from the tape in complete chunks, with the motor being stopped between chunks. However these chunks are buffered within the cassette driver so the user can read or write in any sized blocks or single characters.

Two data rates are provided for recording, these are approximately 1000 and 2400 baud. When a file is read in the speed is determined from the leader automatically.

The cassette driver makes use of the status line for displaying messages when it is loading and saving, and also to display the cassette loading meter. This loading meter can be used to set the level optimally when reading tapes.

Next Chapter: Cassette File Format.

David Bouman. (dsbouma@cs.vu.nl)