EXOS 2.1 Cassette Driver Specification


1. Introduction
2. Cassette File Format

2.1 The Header Chunk
2.2 Data Chunks

3. Using the Cassette Driver

3.1 Opening Channels for Reading
3.2 Reading Data
3.3 Creating Channels for Writing
3.4 Writing Data
3.5 Closing Channels

4. Miscellaneous Cassette Features

4.1 The STOP Key
4.2 Tape Output Speed and Level
4.3 Cassette Loading Level Meter
4.4 Remote Control Relays
4.5 Use without Remote Control
4.6 Cassette Sound Feedthrough
4.7 Copying Protection

5. Hardware
6. Cassette Data Format

6.1 Cassette Signals
6.2 Overall Chunk Format
6.3 Internal Chunk Format
6.4 Header Chunk Format
6.5 CRC Checking

7. Quick Reference Summary

7.1 EXOS Calls
7.2 EXOS Variables

David Bouman. (dsbouma@cs.vu.nl)